What Are Some of the Early Economic Concepts That Can Be Used to Teach Young Learners?

Are you looking to teach economics to your young kids early? It is a great way to introduce them to the world and what are the factors that keep it running. This can be of great help in terms of cognitive development and being aware of their surroundings.

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But do you know what to teach and what concepts to teach them? You can’t definitely teach labor market transitions or social mobility. Instead, why don’t you look down to find the relevant concepts that will help your kids learn economics in an orderly manner?

Early Economic Concepts for Young Learners to Learn

Here are a few early economic concepts for young learners to learn:


One of the first things you can teach your children is scarcity. Young learners should understand the relatedness of limited resources. This is one of the fundamentals of economics, and it teaches us how trade-offs and opportunity costs influence the world. By understanding scarcity, you can teach children how to manage and use resources properly.

For example, if a kid wants to buy a toy car, then he or she has to do their chores, and later, with pocket money they can choose to buy the toy. That way, they can understand the opportunity costs and the true meaning of limited resources. It is a life skill that will help them manage their money in the future. So, you can visit Economics tuition in Singapore, where they teach young kids primary economic concepts.

Supply and Demand

Supply and Demand are the rudimentary principles of economics. The concept revolves around what determines a commodity’s value in the market. A product’s demand is based on its price, and if people start to like it, they will buy it.

If this happens, the price will increase to showcase the demand situation, especially when the supply is low. On the other hand, if the supply is more, the demand will decrease, and the price will decrease. Thus, young people will be able to decide what to buy and sell when the prices get lower and higher.

Division of Labor

When young learners start to study economics, they will learn about Adam Smith, the father of modern economics. He pioneered the concept of division of labor, where he showed that together with many, you can do your work faster and more efficiently. People will understand what they need to do as the roles are defined.

This will help the young learners become aware of the skills they need to learn to get jobs and enhance their living standards. Also, it will teach kids to pursue specialization and improve it over and over to get better prepared for the job market. Lastly, as Durkhiem said, the more society moves towards specialization, the more consensus will become, as people will become dependent on each other.


Another topic in modern economics is incentives. Incentives are motivation factors that motivate humans to work harder and increase their productivity. They are a key economic concept that motivates people to take necessary action and work around it.

Moreover, there are two types of incentives: positive and negative concepts. Positive concepts involve things like reward and praise for good work. On the other hand, negative incentives involve punishments after something you do. Thus, the incentive as a concept will teach children to commit good actions, as it will get them praise and encouragement.

Wrapping Up

In the end, we can say that economics is one of the subjects any young kid should learn, as it will lay the basis for their growth. They will earn:

All of these things will help young kids to make informed decisions based on objective data. Moreover, it will enhance their critical thinking and creativity in terms of dealing with finances and make the most out of it.


Here are a few frequently asked questions -

How Do You Explain the Economy to a Child?

One of the best ways to teach children about economics is by showcasing how people make money and then spend it to enhance their living standards.

Who Is the Father of Economics?

Adam Smith is the father of economics. He pioneered theories on capitalism, supply and demand, and division of labor.