Italy and Hungary: How to Obtain an Easy Residence Permit in the EU

Due to the instability that has affected many areas of activity around the world, everyone is thinking about ensuring comfortable living conditions for themselves and their loved ones. Moving to a country with a reliable political and economic situation is the best option to solve many problems.

Aerial shot of Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest, Hungary under a cloudy sky
Image by wirestock on Freepik

By obtaining a long-term residence permit in EU countries, you will receive the legal benefits of long-term resident status with extended rights of free movement. The criteria, costs for obtaining a European passport are different in each country. But one factor remains the same - the insane popularity of the service. For example, Hungary residency by opening company will help you bring your brand to the world level. Italy opens up a lot of opportunities for working people. Read more about it in our review.

How to Obtain an Italian Residence Permit

Italy beckons migrants with its comfortable climate, beautiful landscapes and, of course, high standard of living. Residency is mutually beneficial for both parties: the country's authorities attract additional capital, good specialists, and visitors - favorable conditions for living. To date, there are the following options:

It is recommended to entrust the process to professionals. They will help you collect the necessary documents and provide consultation on further actions:

Almost all types of visas give a permit to realize creative and labor potential. It is the first step on the way to a long-term stay in the country.

Benefits of Residence Permit in Italy

It is not enough just to organize a move to another country, to provide yourself and your family with civil rights. The european residency program was developed for this purpose. Italy's economic situation is reliable. Decent wage levels, social conditions, developed infrastructure testify to this. For this reason, Italy Digital Nomad Visa, which is offered to financially independent persons who prefer to live and work in the comfort zone, is very popular today.

There are other advantages of Italian residency:

In the future, the user and his family members can apply for permanent residence and citizenship.

Steps to Acquire a Hungarian Residence Permit

Hungary is a relatively new European destination. It is a unique country with great opportunities. You can get a residence permit in several ways:

The application process for a temporary Hungary residence permit includes completing, submitting the application and obtaining the permit.

It is also necessary to prepare:

The conditions of stay here are affordable, the Hungarian language is clear and the level of comfort will meet all your needs.

Benefits of Residence Permit in Hungary

Obtaining a residence permit opens up a wide range of prospects. Among other benefits, we can highlight the following:

After living in the country for eight years, a foreigner is eligible to apply for citizenship.

Comparison of Italian and Hungarian Residence Permit Processes

Are you looking for a relocation solution? The process of obtaining a european residence permit is approximately the same in both Italy and Hungary. You can prepare the documents on your own, following the instructions. However, the best option is to engage reliable specialists. It will help you avoid sudden misunderstandings and, as a consequence, rejection from the host country. You will get the desired status in the shortest possible time.