How Do Online Casino Business Models Work?
With the US gambling industry generating a total gaming revenue of $59.84 billion last year, to say that online casinos can turn over some staggering profits is an understatement. However, before the cash starts flowing in, site operators need to create a comprehensive business plan of exactly how their casino will function.

A good business model can help operators not just clarify their vision, but lay out key steps in helping them know just what they need to do to make their site successful. This could be as simple as knowing which casino gaming promotions to choose from to offer new customers and players. Another benefit of a great business plan is attracting investors; potential investors will always need a detailed outline of the processes, partnerships and resources you're hoping your business will rely on to generate revenues, in order to give you some of their hard-earned cash.
If you're wondering just how online casino business models work and exactly what to put in yours, keep reading.
The Importance of Customer-Oriented Service
The online casino industry is as varied as it is unique. Site operators rely on the latest technology, attract players from across borders and boast a product offering which always varies - just like its clientele. All these factors also rely on one thing to be successful: customer-oriented service.
It goes without saying that great customer service keeps players coming back to your site. However, there are a number of online casino sites out there that don't prioritize this and are effectively losing a huge income stream! There are several things you can do to make your customer service player-orientated.
- Make customers feel comfortable with promotional offers and bonuses. You don't want to go too big that players are worried about losing lots of their playing funds if something goes wrong, but you also don't want to go too small that they don't want to take a chance and join your site on a welcome bonus. It's a fine line, but when you've got it right it really pays off.
- Build a mobile app for your site. As much as a responsive website design is important, the majority of players enjoy taking their casino experience outside of their computer and onto their smartphone, too. You can dip into this market by taking your site onto another digital platform. Just remember to work closely with a web designer who can make sure the mobile casino experience is just as good as the original site.
- Create a dedicated customer service channel. Last but certainly not least, make sure your actual customer service is up to scratch! Creating a dedicated channel just to help players and site users with their problems - instead of making them go through a homepage or other general forum - will help them get the right advice quickly. This will make them feel valued as a result.
Installing Premium Hardware and Software
Investing in premium software and hardware that can work together in synchronization is key to a smooth customer experience. The best online casino platforms provide players with a real-world experience, so they can enjoy some of their favorite games from brick-and-mortar gambling houses - in the digital realm. Good quality hardware and software are crucial to achieving this experience on your own platform.
Many casino developers are working towards making their site the most attractive and appealing to customers that it can be. This might look like consistently updating their software to the most reliable and recent model, checking their servers run around the clock without any lag, and looking into cloud computing. All three of these processes are great places to start when considering how you can invest in the right hardware and software to make your casino site the best it can be.
Getting the Right Online Casino License
Arguably the most important part of a comprehensive casino business model is an authenticated license. For potential investors, a casino license marks the platform as reputable and trustworthy; a license is proof that the operator has satisfied the rules and regulations required by the relevant licensing authority.
For US casino operators, it's important to get the correct license from the relevant state authority. While Utah and Hawaii are the only two states in the country to totally ban all forms of gambling, the remaining US states have their own restrictions when it comes to gambling and sports betting in the country. Put simply, casino licenses are on a state-to-state basis and it's imperative to buy the correct one for your site to satisfy potential investors, customers and players - and also the law.
IGaming Affiliate Websites: an Additional Income Source
There are a few different strategies for attracting new customers as an online casino platform. One of these is offering lucrative affiliate programs. An affiliate program on an iGaming affiliate website enables players to earn money when any new customers joins to play a game on the casino site. Effectively, it's a pretty easy additional source of income for the casino operator who doesn't have to lift a finger to see this income stream come flowing in.