20 Best Affordable Hobbies to Enjoy Without Breaking the Bank

Are you in search of enjoyable ways to spend your free time that won't leave you penniless? If so, you've come to the right place! Hobbies are brilliant for helping us relax, learn new things, and bring joy to our lives.

But who says they have to be expensive? We've compiled a list of some of the best affordable hobbies – ones that won't break the bank. Whether you're someone who loves the great outdoors, getting arty-crafty, or learning something new every day, we've got you covered.

So dive in and discover how easy (and fun) it can be to fill your hours without emptying your wallet at the same time. Let us help you find your next budget-friendly passion!

Short Summary

1. Read at a Local Library

Side view people reading indoors
Image by freepik on Freepik

Libraries offer free access to countless books, making them ideal places to embark on new adventures—no wallet required. Need something light for the beach? Pick from heaps of romance novels.

Are you in the mood for crime fiction? Take your pick: micro-genre or mega-bestseller (with librarians nearby who are happy to point you in unknown-author directions).

Fancy immersing yourself in another world entirely? Grab volumes from fantastic fantasy series as if they were candy. There's no limit. With a library card, anyway.

And it's not just reading material. Many libraries host author readings where fans can hear about new releases straight from the horse's mouth or offer free ebooks. If you're interested but don't know what's happening at your local branch, check out its website—or ask someone who works there!

2. Play Classic Board Games

Who needs expensive activities for fun? Take those old favorites such as Monopoly, Scrabble, or Clue from the shelf and invite your friends around for an evening of board games!

Not only are board games a great way to relax and enjoy some screen-free time with pals or family. But they also give your brain cells a workout – who doesn't love finding a way to score big in Scrabble or being the cleverest clogs playing Clue?

If you want to mix things up, suggest people come over for themed game nights (everyone dresses as their favorite game character, perhaps?) Or make up your own rules to add an extra twist.

After all, lots of laughter, a little bit of strategy, and plenty of happy memories come free with board games – making them an activity worth investing in when funds are low!

3. Walk in Fresh Air

Young african american woman having a walk in a park
Image by fabrikasimf on Freepik

Why not go for a walk? There are few pastimes that are more superficial or more invigorating. Just put on your trainers, head outside, and start putting one foot in front of the other – through a local park, down a leafy path, along your street.

Walking helps keep you fit, but it's also brilliant for mental well-being. Take a pal along to make it sociable, or use the time to enjoy some fresh air with your four-legged friend.

Keep boredom at bay by investigating new routes: who knows what hidden gems you might find? Or try turning your amble into a photography mission – capturing pockets of beauty as you move is both inspiring and costs nothing!

4. Learn a New Language

Maybe you can use your extra time to learn a new language and explore the world. Apps like Babbel or Duolingo make this easy with short lessons that can fit into anyone's day.

Picture yourself chatting in French while enjoying coffee at a café or impressing your friends at a party in Spain with your Spanish skills! Learning languages not only keeps your brain healthy but opens up so many more possibilities when you travel—and introduces you to new ways of thinking.

To take your language adventure even further, try watching films from other countries (with subtitles if you need them) while making some of their traditional food.

Why not give yourself a challenge that excites you? Japanese? Swahili? Italian? The whole world is waiting—and it's just a click away.

5. Become a Digital Artist

Side view of woman painting
Image by freepik on Freepik

Set your imagination free and save money on materials by diving into digital art! With tools like Krita or GIMP – both free – you can start sketching, painting, or designing from your laptop or tablet.

In the world of digital art, there's no limit to what you can do. Doodle characters, create colorful dreamscapes, or make quirky digital collages. Then, join online communities to get feedback, share tips and tricks, and see others' work on platforms like DeviantArt (free) or Instagram!

The best part about getting into digital art? Aside from your setup costs, it's a cheap hobby with endless possibilities for self-expression. You don't even need to visit a craft store! Try any style you like (you might surprise yourself!) Explore away.

Not feeling sociable? That's cool, too. Enjoy hours of making without having to pick up traditional materials that require constant restocking.

6. Explore Local Trails

Transforming exploration into a leisure activity by frequenting nearby hiking paths! Hiking provides an ideal combination of exercise and excitement for anybody who loves nature and wants some peace—or both.

Discover local hidden treasures such as beautiful parkland and trails that follow rivers or scenic mountain routes, and enjoy being outside in stunning surroundings.

Take sandwiches and a flask of tea, binoculars for bird-spotting duties, a camera for wildlife selfies, plus buddies or family members for company. You'll have great fun along with taking lots away from the day.

Every walk is different: perhaps today's will feature rare orchids. Amazing views are guaranteed, though. Don't worry if you've never hiked before.

7. Enjoy Bird Watching

Sideways couple bird watching
Image by freepik on Freepik

Turn your backyard or local park into a wildlife wonderland with bird watching! All you need is a pair of binoculars and some patience. Spot colorful finches, majestic hawks, or even the occasional owl. Apps like Merlin can help identify different species and track what you've seen.

It's a calming and inexpensive hobby that gets you outdoors – plus, it's an easy way to connect with nature! For an added twist, start a bird journal noting down when you see new species (or ones returning for spring). You could also check if there are any local bird-watching groups – sometimes it's fun to have company.

From listening out for the dawn chorus to seeing flocks fly overhead in the evening, there's always something new happening in the world of our feathered friends!

8. Join a Book Club

If you really adore reading, why not take it to the next level by joining a book club? These groups are brilliant for swapping ideas, unearthing genres you might not have tried before—and making bookish buddies.

Picture dissecting a twisty thriller or weighty literary novel's prominent themes over coffee and cake (or wine and nibbles) with pals—in person or via Skype.

Some clubs put on special events or even arrange for writers to join their meetings! If there isn't one near you that grabs you by the brain cells, set up your own with friends or neighbors. It's an intimate way to bond over books and boost how much pleasure you get from reading them!

9. Make Some DIY Projects

Female artisan working in the atelier with glue gun
Image by freepik on Freepik

Get your creative juices flowing with enjoyable DIY projects! Make homemade candles, one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces, or customized decorations for your home. Crafting them yourself allows you to be original and inventive.

Look up Pinterest or YouTube: they're a font of inspiration with tutorials galore. Give old furniture new life by repurposing it. Paint clay flowerpots in funky colors. Create your own chemical-free cosmetics. The possibilities are endless.

There's nothing quite like the feeling of saying, "I made it myself," – whether you're treating yourself or someone else. And because you can often do it on the cheap – while still getting impressive results – there's every reason to give it a go.

10. Listen to Free Educational Podcasts

Make the most of your free time by listening to educational podcasts! With these audio shows, you can learn something new about history, science, self-help, and storytelling while commuting, cleaning, or chilling out.

Need inspiration? Try TED Talks Daily. If you're into mind-blowing info, give Stuff You Should Know a spin. Got a thing for current affairs? Pop on The Daily.

Think of it like having portable teachers with you whenever you want them! Discover fresh interests, look at familiar subjects from different angles – or chat away with pals about cool stuff you've learned. So pop in those earbuds: class is in session – whenever or wherever you fancy.

11. Exercise at Home

Full shot man training at home
Image by freepik on Freepik

Save money on expensive gym subscriptions and exercise in your own home! You don't have to spend any money when starting out on your fitness journey. There are loads of free workout apps, YouTube channels, and Instagram fitness challenges.

Whether you're into yoga and Pilates for strength and flexibility or prefer HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts or dance cardio, there's an online home workout that suits you.

Follow your favorite fitness influencers on social media, take part in virtual group classes, or build your own timetable: it's up to you! It's also enjoyable, and you can do star jumps in your pajamas if you want – nobody will ever know.

12. Learn a Musical Instrument

Have you ever thought about playing an instrument? It's easier than ever to start – you could begin with a harmonica or keyboard, both reasonably cheap. Free tutorials are available on YouTube and on apps like Yousician Teach.

Picture yourself wowing pals with soulful chords on guitar or ukulele or joining in at a campfire jam. In addition to being fun, research shows that learning an instrument improves brain function. Plus, you never know when it might come in handy!

So whether you're into strumming, drumming, or fancy some ivory tinkling, why not begin a musical journey today? You'll be super excited!

13. Volunteer

Environment and volunteer concept with group of persons
Image by freepik on Freepik

Make a difference in your community and feel good about yourself by giving up some free time to volunteer! Whether it's helping out at a soup kitchen, walking dogs from an animal shelter, or giving kids homework help once a week, there are lots of places that could use your help.

You might end up making new friends and picking up handy new skills, too. Best of all? It doesn't cost a penny: just your spare hours. And who knows what memories – or good vibes for lending others a hand – you'll come away with?

14. Practice Cooking Or Baking

Transform your kitchen into a flavor-filled fun zone! Test out making homemade pasta, take a shot at creating sushi, or cook up melt-in-your-mouth chocolate chip cookies.

It's tasty entertainment that lets you explore new recipes and craft restaurant-quality meals and snacks from scratch. It is worth getting inspired by watching cookery programs, reading food blogs, or even joining an internet-based cooking class.

And hey, it doesn't stop there. Revel in the delight of eating something deliciously good that you've made yourself while wowing your buddies or family members with mad cooking skills!

15. Try Writing Short Stories

Boy sitting on a black sofa and taking notes in a notebook
Image by austindistel on Freepik

Become the next great storyteller. Compose narratives to your heart's content—a riveting mystery, airy fairy tale, or sweet love story. Writing enables the exploration of endless ideas; utilize prompts or even your dreams as springboards.

Don't keep your stories—share them with pals, join a writers' circle, or post online via Wattpad! And remember: Crafting plots and characters proves both thrilling and calming.

Writing serves as both an outlet and occupation—it's how authors relieve stress while keeping readers hooked! After all, who's to say there isn't an undiscovered genius of fiction out there?

16. Start Photography

Discover the joy of photography – it's perfect for capturing those magic mini moments. The great news is you don't need an expensive kit. Your smartphone will do just fine! Take stunning sunset snaps, incredible candid street scenes, or adorable animal portraits.

There are lots of free apps that'll help you jazz up your photos, too. One popular choice is Snapseed or Lightroom.

Get into the habit of looking for something beautiful or interesting every day – even in stuff like your breakfast dishes! If you'd like ideas or feedback from others, join an online photo group.

Photography lets us see things from new angles – whether we're creating arty black-and-white portraits (pictures of people), super-close-ups of insects' eyes, or zingy shots.

17. Create a Blog

Teamwork making an online blog
Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

Want to share your stories, thoughts, or knowledge with the world? Create a blog and make yourself heard! A blog allows you to explore your passions and find an audience of people who love the same things you do – whether it's travel, food, fashion, business, or anything else!

Platforms like Medium and WordPress provide everything you need to get started for free. Write exciting posts that include personal stories, tips, advice, or discussion/debate topics. There are no limits — well, except for illegal stuff, obviously.

Blogging is about more than just putting your ideas out there, though — it can also lead to exciting opportunities such as collaborations or even making some money on the side (#freelancelife).

18. Try Knitting Or Crocheting

Take some time to unwind and explore your creative side by picking up knitting needles or a crochet hook! This crafty pastime is not only relaxing but also enables you to produce gorgeous handmade items – think snug hats, scarves, and blankets.

Thanks to online video tutorials (check out YouTube) or local crafting groups, it's easy to pick up new techniques or patterns.

And who doesn't love the feeling of pride when receiving compliments on that scarf you whipped up while watching TV series back-to-back? If you're stuck for gift ideas, nothing beats a beautiful self-made scarf, either.

Besides, crafting has been proven to reduce stress levels – a bonus! So why not grab some pretty yarn (the choice available might surprise you) plus supplies, and then settle down with Netflix and start a project today?

19. Practice Gardening

Medium shot woman cutting twigs
Image by freepik on Freepik

Roll up your sleeves and get back to nature by planting a garden! Gardening is an enjoyable pastime that brings vibrant color and life to any space – whether you have acres of the yard or only a tiny balcony.

Use your green oasis to cultivate herbs for tasty dishes, vivid flowers for visual impact, or vegetables for wholesome meals straight from the plot.

As well as being a money-saving way to source produce you'd otherwise have bought at the supermarket, getting your hands dirty as you tend plants can be therapeutic and keep you fit!

Nurturing something living teaches patience – but seeing tiny seeds unfurl into leafy, blooming maturity feels like magic (until you learn the science behind it, anyway). And few activities beat the smug satisfaction gained from eating home-grown produce that you grew yourself.

20. Visit Thrift Stores

Join an adventure at a second-hand store near you. You could discover anything from old-fashioned outfits and unusual ornaments to valuable first editions and original pieces of vinyl – it's like hunting for treasure.

Thrift shopping saves money compared to buying new stuff, plus it helps the planet by rehoming items that still have plenty of life in them. Why not turn your visit into a competition with pals to see who finds the best bargain or most remarkable object?

Give yourself a challenge, too. Snap up something pre-loved, but make it useful again. That might mean transforming last decade's jeans into summer shorts or giving a different purpose to an antique-looking glass.

Enjoy the thrill of having unique bits and bobs nobody else owns – without making your bank account weep. Happy hunting!


You do not have to spend a lot of money to have fun; cheap hobbies can still be enjoyable and exciting. The activities listed here are perfect if you want to be creative, spend time outdoors, acquire skills, or relax.

There are a few hobbies for everyone on this list – and none of these pastimes will cost a fortune. So why not pick one (or two!) that appeal to you?

Explore unknown territory, create lasting moments, and find happiness in inexpensive pursuits – because the clichés are true. Sometimes, the best things in life really are free!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Easy to Find Cheap Hobbies?

Yes, there are many inexpensive hobbies, such as reading, walking, or crafts, that are both affordable and accessible.

Can I Learn Photography Through Free Resources Online?

Definitely! There are plenty of free online resources, like online tutorials, YouTube channels, and photography communities where you can learn everything from the fundamentals to expert techniques.

What Is the Least Expensive Hobby?

Walking or jogging is the most affordable hobby ever. All that's required is a good pair of shoes and an adventurous spirit!

What Low-cost Hobby Can Earn Money?

With passion and expertise, blogging, photography, and crafting can become lucrative pursuits. Numerous individuals who enjoy these activities are able to sell their crafts, photos, or blog posts via the internet.